Biblical Christian Zionism Explained by a Biblical Christian Zionist
Rev. Malcolm Hedding is the Executive Director-Emeritus of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. He is a Biblical Christian Zionist. Here’s his take on the theology of Christian Zionism:
The actual theology of Christian Zionism, also known as Biblical Zionism, supports the right of the Jewish people to return to their homeland on scriptural grounds. The biblical foundation for Christian Zionism is found in God’s Covenant with Abraham. It was in this covenant that God chose Abraham to birth a nation through which He could redeem the world. To accomplish this He bequeathed them a land in which they could exist as this chosen nation.
Christian Zionism is confirmed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. The major and minor prophets consistently confirmed this national calling on Israel, promised her future restoration to the land after a period of exile, and spoke of her spiritual renewal and redemption bringing light to the world.
Christian Zionism differs from Replacement Theology, which teaches that the special relationship that Israel had with her God in terms of her national destiny and her national homeland has been lost because of her rejection of Jesus as Messiah, and therefore the Church has become the “New Israel”. The Church has then inherited all the blessings promised to Israel, but the judgments and curses still conveniently remain over the Jewish people.
Instead, Christian Zionism teaches from the scriptures that God’s covenant with Abraham is still valid today. There remains a national destiny over the Jewish people and her national homeland is her everlasting possession in fulfillment of God’s plans and purposes for her. The New Testament scriptures not only affirm the Abrahamic covenant, but they confirm the historical mission of Israel and that Israel’s gifts and calling are irrevocable.
Thus, Christian Zionism is not based on prophecy or end-time events. Most Christian Zionists would agree, however, that Israel’s reemergence on the world’s scene, in fulfillment of God’s promises to her, indicates that other events prophesied in the Bible will follow.